Jerol Garrison and Jerry McConnell look through a bound edition of The Traveler while attending a reunion of former staff members to celebrate 95th anniversary in 2001.
A Trial Run at a Reunion
In 2001, Traveler editor Jeff Smith and his staff organized a reunion for the 95th anniversary of the beginning of the newspaper's publication.
More than two dozen former editors and staff members attended the anniversary celebration in the offices of The Traveler on the first floor of Kimpel Hall. The Traveler staff compiled and printed a list of all former Traveler editors as well as a history of The Traveler in the newspaper.
Smith presided over the event, which included old photos of editors and Traveler operations enlarged from the Razorback yearbook. Among the university dignitaries attending the anniversary were John A. White, chancellor of the University of Arkansas; Johnetta Cross Brazell, vice chancellor for student affairs; G. David Gearhart, vice chancellor for advancement; and Roger Williams, associate vice chancellor for university relations.
As part of the festivities, former editors in attendance posed for a photo. Front from left: Simon Lee, 1993-94; Kay Carson, 1968-69; Jeff Smith, 2000-02; Sarah Glass, 1999-00; Charlie Alison, 1981-82; and Tammy Williams, 1998-99. Back from left: Robert McCord, 1950-51; Skip Rutherford, 1971-72; Steve Wilkes, 1990-91; Brenda Blagg, 1969-70; Denise Beeber, 1984-85; Mike Gauldin, 1980-81; and Steve Kirk, 1976-77.